Hi, Amy here. I work part-time in Reference Services (as well as at Edinburgh University and The National Galleries of Scotland).
I’m at my parents’ house in Glasgow. My sister, Eve, who normally lives in London, is also here. We don’t treat the place like a hotel, but we aren’t perfect (see image below). I thought I would show you a typical illustrated day in my quarantine life.

First thing in the morning I have a cup of coffee while listening to music. Current favourites are CocoRosie, James Blake and a twelfth century saint called Hildegard von Bingen. I also often play a song called 157 by Tom Rosenthal, where a shepherd is counting his sheep. It feels right to listen to on a lockdown morning, and it is very lively for a song about falling asleep.

If it’s pleasant I work outside. In Reference Services we are providing a strong enquiry service and working on various tasks and courses from home. This is particularly good for me as I can’t work for my other two jobs, so it gives me a sense of structure. It’s also heartening to know that readers are still pursuing their research, and that the world hasn’t truly come to a halt.

Sometimes while I’m working my next door neighbour Aileen says hello before she does her step exercise at the foot of the garden. It is always nice to talk to people outside of your household.

At lunchtime I try not to eat in my bedroom, the same way I used to try not to eat at my desk. Sometimes I send an office partner a voice note of myself eating an apple, because I’m sure she misses that.

In the afternoon I go for a walk. Sometimes I go past the BP garage and into Victoria Park, and sometimes I go into Victoria Park then past the BP garage. Today I treated myself to Byres Road.

I’ve been doing a lot of drawing in my free time, which is very absorbing. You need to stand back from your work in order to see what’s wrong with it. Only then can you really fix it. In a philosophical sense, I suppose many of us are doing that with our lives at the moment.

I also have many less productive ways of passing time, my favourite being Youtube.

At least once a day I have a therapy session with Eve. It is important to be able to talk about how you feel, especially in such a troubling time as this.

Now and then I worry about my flat in Edinburgh – that there has been a break-in or mice infestation. I’m lucky to have friends keeping an eye on it for me.

At around half seven we are called down to dinner. My Dad brings out grilled seabass and stuffed tomatoes, his face red with culinary focus. Eve and I eat ungratefully fast.

After dinner I chat to friends on Zoom, or do an online quiz, or watch a movie. Any of these would be another drawing of me in front of my laptop, so I’ll end this blog with an illustration of the entrance to the NLS. I am looking forward to drawing people coming in and out of it again.
I miss all my friends at the Library and hope everyone is ok.
Amy xxx