Still from Funny Kinda Guy (2005)

Funny Kinda Guy

At the Library’s moving image collections at Kelvin Hall,  we have the real hidden gem that is ‘Funny Kinda Guy’ (2005), which we are screening for this year’s LGBT History Month: Blurring Borders – A World in Motion. This touching and musical feature-length documentary, directed by Travis Reeves, follows musician Simon de Voil through the […]

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Still from 'The Last Fisherman'

Fishing for films

‘’There are 24 hours in the day and every one of them is for fishing.’’  Beyond the Grampians (1963) Films are often factual historical documents providing evidence, not simply of working practices, but how people lived and what life was actually like.  Audiovisual records can contain inherent bias or a particular audience or message that […]

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Exploring climate change, environmental damage and race.

Through newspaper and journal articles accessed via Ethnic NewsWatch, this blog post by our Climate Crisis Intern explores the relationship between climate change, environmental damage, and race. “Global climate change is experienced very differently across race, gender, class and nationality.”  So begins a 2012 article from Race, Gender & Class, a journal available on Ethnic […]

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Image of books by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Reading list: In reflection of Black History Month

In reflection of US Black History Month, the cohort of interns here at the National Library of Scotland have curated a reading list of titles from the Library’s ever-expanding print and digital collections relating to Black history.   Our internships are as follows:  Access and Outreach  Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion  Climate Crisis  Gaelic Translation  Rights and Personalisation  Creating Media Content  This small selection of material comes from a larger pool of […]

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